
Amazon’s Music Storage service will remove your MP3 files on April 30th

todayMarch 31, 2018

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We’ve known since last year that Amazon Music was planning to shut down its dedicated cloud music locker. Now, we have a date for when that process will begin. In an email to Amazon Music users, the company says uploaded songs will be removed from a user’s library on April 30th, 2018. You can however keep any music in the cloud by proactively going to your Music Settings and clicking the “Keep my songs” button.

Back in December, Amazon stopped letting users upload new tracks to Music Storage, which holds up to 250 songs for free. The company said at the time that by January 2019, users wouldn’t be able to download or stream tracks they’ve uploaded to Music Storage, so it sounds like you’ll still have many months between April and next January to get your music downloaded and onto a different storage platform or hard drive.

Amazon does clarify in its email that “Amazon Music digital purchases will continue to remain securely stored for playback and download,” and that no further action is required to keep those files. The company is also stressing that the shutdown of Music Storage will not affect Prime Music or Amazon Music Unlimited, which are the company’s two on-demand music streaming services. (The first is complimentary with a Prime subscription, while the second costs between $7.99 and $9.99 per month.)

Here’s the message in full:

“Amazon Music is retiring the Music Storage service, which allows customers to upload and store up to 250 songs in a personal cloud library. Our records indicate you have uploaded one or more songs through your Amazon account in the past.

To keep, download, and play your uploaded songs at no extra cost, simply open a web browser, go to your Music Settings and click the “Keep my songs” button to direct us to save your music to the cloud. Otherwise your uploaded songs will be removed from your library on April 30, 2018.

Your Amazon Music digital purchases will continue to remain securely stored for playback and download — no further action is required to retain those. These changes will not impact your ability to stream Prime Music or Amazon Music Unlimited.”



Written by: New Generation Radio

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