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The AWS Certified Developer – Associatecertification is aimed at those professionals who perform developer roles in their organizations. They need to have at least oneyear of hands-on experience and knowledge in maintaining and developing the AWS-based applications. This associate-level credential validates the ability of the candidates to display proficiency in designing, managing, and debugging of the apps based on the Cloud technology with the use of AWS. It also confirms the knowledge of core AWS uses, services, and fundamentals ofthe best practices of the AWS architecture. There is no formal prerequisite for attempting the Amazon AWS Certified Developer certificate except for the aforementioned experience. However, there are specific areas of knowledge the students are required to develop competence in.
Highlights of Exam Knowledge Areas
To earn the Amazon AWS Certified Developer – Associate credential, the candidates must pass a single test, DVA-C01. It requires a sufficient understanding of core areas of the certification content. As mentioned above, it is recommended that you have at least 1 year of hands-on experience in developing and maintaining the AWS-based applications. The students should also have extensive knowledge of one programming language of a high level. Two or more languages will be a plus, but it is not necessary.
Additionally, you should have a strong understanding of core AWS uses, services, and essential AWS architecture best practices. Proficiency in developing, debugging, and deploying the Cloud-based applications with the use of AWS is also very critical. The test takers must also be able to use SDKs, AWS service, AWS CLI, APIs, and write apps. They should know how to identify major features of AWS services as well as understand the model of AWS-shared responsibility.
The Exam-labs DVA-C01 certification exam requires that you understand the lifecycle management of the app and you should also be able to utilize CI/CD pipeline in the deployment of applications on AWS. You should know how to use or interact with the AWS services, in addition to knowing how to apply basic understanding of Cloud native applications for creating of code. The individualshave to be able to write code with the use of AWS security best practicesand utilize the IAM roles, not secret and access keys in the code. Moreover, you must learn to author, debug, and maintain code modules on AWS. Proficiency in developing code for the serverless apps and the understanding of the use of the containers during the development processis also important for your success in thetest.
Highlights of Exam Objectives
The objectives cover the content that the applicants should expect from the certificationtest. Each of these objectives has the corresponding percentage, which indicates the weight of questions that could be expected from them. In other words, the objective with a higher percentage will likely have a higher number of exam questions than the ones with a lower percentage. The topics that the candidates are required to study and masterbefore writing Amazon DVA-C01 include the following:
It is essential to mention that there are other subtopics under each of these domains. Therefore, you should get the exam blueprint to learn all about the content.
Highlights of Exam Structure and Fee
The AWS Certified Developer – Associate test consists of two different types of questions: multiple choice and multiple response. The first format has only one correct and three incorrect answers, which are usually referred to as distractors. The multiple-response questions, on the other hand, have two or more correct answers out of five or more options given in the exam.
It is important that you don’t leave any question unanswered. Even if you are not sure of the correct answer, choose the one that seems the best variant. The worst that can happen is that you will get the answer incorrect and if you are lucky, your guess might be the correct one. Either way, you don’t have anything to lose by answering all the questions. This is because there is no penalty for incorrect answers in the exam.
It is essential to mention that there are some non-scored questions in the DVA-C01 certification exam. Non-scored questions are those that will not add any value to your overall scores. They are only included in the testfor survey purposes. Unfortunately, there is no way of differentiating scored and non-scored exam questions, which means you have to give all of them your best.The students are given 130 minutes for the completion of thistest.
Before you can register and schedule for the test, you have to pay the exam fee of $150. Depending on your preferred language, you can take your certification test in English, Korean, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese.
Highlights of Exam Passing Score
There are only two ways for the Amazon DVA-C01test: passor fail. It is scored based on the minimum standards that have been instituted by the AWS professionals and as guided by the guidelines and best practices of the IT industry. The exam result is scored on a range of 100-1000. The minimum passing score is 720. Any score below this indicates failure and the need to rewrite the certification test. Technically, the scaled scoring techniques are utilized for the calculation of the scores in different forms, which may vary slightly in relation to the levels of exam difficulty. Your score consists of a classification table that shows your performance at each of the sections. The detail gives you the overall feedback on your general performance in the test.
Like any other certification exam, Amazon DVA-C01can be difficult to pass. But with the proper level of preparation and with the use of reliable Internet sources where you can find any study materials you need, you will pass your test successfully. There are various resources available. You can start with the recommended ones highlighted on the certification webpage. There are other third-party sites such as Exam-Labs that offerreliable and updated materials and tools for the effective preparation process. The more material, the better, so don’t be afraid to use everything you need.
Written by: New Generation Radio
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