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Plato said, “The sea cures all ailments of man.” Euripides said, “The sea washes away all men’s illnesses.” Plato, Hippocrates and Aristotle recommended hot seawater baths.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the French biologist Rene Quinton did the first full chemical analysis of seawater. What he found was that it contained all the 104-odd minerals and trace elements present in human serum, or plasma. So close is the similarity between seawater and human plasma that subsequent experiments have shown that human white blood cells can live and function for up to five weeks in seawater. This has led many balneologists to conclude that seawater is the most complete of all mineral waters.
In 1907 the first MARINE PLASMA was made available to the medical corps and to the general public. At that time the daily newspaper, L’Intransigeant, published the following article:
“The works of PASTEUR bring us a thought conception of disease. Those of QUINTON bring us a conception of health. What is Pasteur’s serum? It is a serum for and against a particular disease, a serum which attacks a given microbe and none other. What is sea water? It is a serum which attacks no microbe in particular, but provides the organic cell with the force to fight off all microbes.”
Réné Quinton (1866-1925) was a French Physiologist and Biologist whose innumerable studies and scientific research led to his discovery of the virtues of sea water. He elaborated a method for preparing it for oral administration and injection.
Quinton’s grand discovery was his observation that the composition of water, from which issues life, is the same as that of our inner milieu, and he loved to call it the water of our aquarium. The only difference lies in the concentration: sea water verges on 33gr/l total salts, while that of our blood and inner milieu is 9gr/l.
Quinton drew up precise instructions for diluting and cold-sterilizing natural, complete and raw Ocean Water by cold micro-filtration through a micro-porous porcelain filter rated at 0.22 µ, thus preserving its beneficial properties. He named this water PLASMA MARIN (Marine Plasma) because of its being analogous to blood plasma, and he successfully performed many transfusions of this isotonic sea water on dogs. This Marine Plasma is today called by various names such as Quinton®Isotonic, Océan Plasma®, Ocean Matrix, Marine Serum. The term ‘isotonic’ is in reference to man’s inner milieu – please consult our Chemical Seawater section for a complete explanation.
After much research and numerous scientific experiments, Quinton opened many health care centres where this simple, inexpensive means could be used to help save: first the children, whose mortality rate was extremely high at that time (see some of his success cases here), and later he extended his work to include adults. Numerous “Marine Dispensaries” were subsequently opened in France and even in Switzerland, where the treatment consisted essentially of injections of Plasma de Quinton, given according to very strict protocols, according to the pathology of the patient. This was the famous Marine Method.
In 1904, René Quinton wrote his monumental book: “L’eau de Mer – milieu organique” (Seawater – organic medium) that covers his research, observations and experiments. It is a massive and purely scientific book but it is also the most important that has ever been written on the subject of seawater. Please consult our Bibliography for further details.
FOR THE USE OF Océan Plasma
(according to Rene Quinton)
The description in the following page faithfully reflects the original therapeutic protocol as it was utilized by Rene Quinton himself more than one hundred years ago.
Here is the ORIGINAL Treatment protocol (translated from the French):
« The marine treatment which we have practiced in the Parisian hospital services (St. Louis, Beaujon, Hotel-Dieu, Tenon, Maison Dubois, Pitie and the Asylum of Mouleau) consisted of injecting our seawater which we reduced to organic isotonic consistency (see notes at top of this page for full explanation), per dosage for this mixture, to one hundredth to one hundredth and a half of the body weight.
The first injections I practiced (July – August 1897) were intra-venous injections. In my absence, in a desperate case of cirrhosis, death being anticipated for that same day, a temporary intern obtained complete success after a subcutaneous injection of my preparation which he administered without any hope. The patient left the hospital on his own two weeks later.
I don’t provide my formula as being final or the best one could use. I thought one had to inject the isotonic way in order to avoid unknown or troublesome factors, however I learned from physicians of the Marine Service who have had excellent results from simply injecting my preparation in its natural form. This practice would have the advantage of reducing by two thirds the volume to inject – a comparative experience would have to be tried. I limited the dosage to one hundredth or one hundredth and a half of the injection volume because it seemed to me that this dosage (same concentration as human plasma) was sufficient to produce the immediate effects of a double or triple dose, however, it is not established that a stronger dose by itself would have any advantages, which I have not had the occasion to observe.
The quality of the liquid to be injected provided more precise observations which could be summarized with finality. It no use to contemplate the composition of an artificial seawater. It must be treated according to my protocol and reduced to approximate organic isotonicity.
Minimal injection dose: This depends on the condition of the patient. Please consult the Success Cases for guidance.
Frequency of injections: When the injections must be repeated: every five days, then every six, seven, eight days etc., according to the readily discernible duration of its effects (see details further down).
Effects from the Injection(s):
When several injection are to be done on the same patient, it is best to inject at the same place. The local pain of the first injection will only be slightly felt during subsequent injections.
An injections is followed by a reaction that lasts about twelve hours. At a certain variable moment (one hour, two hours or three hours after and sometimes even while performing the injection itself if it is done slowly), the patient will feel chilly, sometime violently so, with chattering teeth and more or less intense thirst. Body temperature will rise without interruption during four or five hours (about 1.5 to 2.0 degrees C) and then will come down as it came up to finally stabilize below the initial temperature. The thirsty patient will drink 1 to 3 liters of water. He typically has absolutely no appetite, may have some nausea or slight headaches. The more this reaction is felt the more benefit will be derived from the injection. In any case, it is not to be feared with regardless of the weakness of the patient or his initial temperature. In the case of febrility, when the temperature before the injection is 39.5 degrees C, it can rise to 41.5 C and even remain for six consecutive hours at 41 degrees C without the slightest inconvenience.
Twenty-four hours after the injection, one finds the patient generally down, not only because of the crisis which just happened but also due to the resulting partial insomnia. The improvement is however evident by certain symptoms that begin to clearly show, in favorable cases, around the 36th hour or the latest on the second day. The improvements are constant and are progressive during the 3rd and 4th days. One can witness sometimes a veritable resurrection of the patient. Striking by its suddenness: all pain or uneasiness that may have been present before the injection have left; strength returns; appetite – non-existent before the treatment – becomes exaggerated with sudden hunger and the patient, bedridden for weeks, arises and walks around for several hours.
On the fifth day, in the morning – complete change. The scene is dominated by the same general weakness as prevailed before the treatment, except in acute cases where one injection suffices to produce a definite improvement. A second injection is therefore administered. The described cycle of effects occur once again but with more pronounced improvements.
The injections are spaced out in this natural manner for five, six, seven, eight days – according to the benefits that are obtained.
The difficulties which I had to face, when the Arcachon station could no longer send me the seawater that was treated according to my protocol, have successively interrupted many of my [clinical] trials. As a collective group, my preparations nevertheless seem to have proven to be a powerful adjunctive therapy.
In three particularly grave acute cases, infectious gastro-enteritis of indeterminate nature, oxalic acid poisoning, advanced liver cirrhosis, success was immediate and complete. In the case of syphilis, one early malignant syphillitis and one advanced case, the injection was followed, right from the second day, by very rapid healing of the lesions which covered the patient’s body. In one case, healing was mostly complete after seven days. We obtained the same results in cutaneous tuberculosis.
The therapeutic action of seawater is therefore evident. Future trials should measure and evaluate it further. »
Rene Quinton
Therapeutic Applications – in the use of the Seawater Marine Plasma
Historically, Ocean water (plasma) has had, and can have, numerous possible applications. All of these therapeutic uses are based on the same concept of renewing, purifying and regenerating the internal fluid environment, as well as maintaining vital equilibrium.
Historically, OCEAN WATER is the best support and regenerator for all cell mechanisms.
Prenatal Care: Fetal underdevelopment, prevention of physiological problems in the fetus due to toxicoses, alcoholism, nicotine and drug addiction. Potential corrective of inherited and acquired immune-deficiencies. See our detailed supporting document here.
Infant Care: Undernourishment, underdevelopment, Athrepsia, lactose intolerance, gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhea, acute toxicoses, dehydration, premature birth. See our detailed supporting document here.
Pediatrics: Asthenia, anorexia, weight retardation, attention deficit disorders, dyslexia, dyslalia, student adjustment, emotional instability and neuropsychic problems. See our detailed supporting document here.
Obstetrics: Asthenia and serious vomiting, gastro-intestinal and circulatory problems, post-partum depression, breast-feeding.
Gynecology: Dysmenorrhoea, menopause, utero-vaginal infections and congestion.
Dermatology: Burns, psoriasis, atopic eczema, acne, pruritus, prurigo, hives, chronic dermatoses, skin eruptions, abscesses, alopecia and herpes.
Respiratory Problems: Chronic ENT infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, complications of pulmonary tuberculosis. See our detailed supporting document here.
Periodontal disease: Prevention of caries, receding or bleeding gums, gingivitis.
Gastro-Enterology: Gastro-enteritis, dyspepsia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, functional colitis, spasmodic colitis. See our detailed supporting document here.
Urology: Recurring cysts, enuresis, kidney stones, sexual frigidity or impotence.
Endocrinology: Thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction.
Bone and Joint Diseases: Rickets, osteoporosis, healing of fractures, pathological double-jointedness, scolioses, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, athletic injuries.
Neurology: Depression, spasmophilia.
Geriatrics: Stress, problems of senility, undernourishment.
Intravenous Feeding: Low blood volume, (bleeding, burns, dehydration, etc,) any emergency accompanied by great physiological fluid loss, dehydration, involuntary vomiting, etc. See our detailed supporting document here.
Colon Therapy: See our detailed supporting document here.
To Table of Contents
Contra-Indications – Side Effects
Incompatibility: None
Side effects: None
Contra-indications: None
Incompatibility: None
Side effects: None
Contra-indications: High blood pressure, kidney disease, heart disease – In such cases, use Isotonic Seawater.
Isotonic Seawater is also recommended for eczema, urticaria and psoriasis.
To Table of Contents
Some Instructions and Models of Dosage for Seawater Products (links)
It is suggested to peruse René Quinton’s Case History Archive to see first-hand what OCEAN WATER can accomplish, even as a single (and only) therapy.
Hypertonic or Isotonic Solution …
Seawater Spray – when to use – for what complaint …
Eczema, Hives, Rashes, Psoriasis or other related skin diseases …
Depletion of the Immune System …
Chronic and acute fatigue …
Bone disease, Growing pains in children, Arthrosis and Osteoporosis in adults …
Athletic training …
Pregnancy, Lactation, repeated spontaneous Abortions …
Nosebleeds in children …
Hypoglycemia …
Mononucleosis …
Vaginal Infections …
Cancer, Leukemia, Multiple Sclerosis …
Important: Dosages and instructions are listed here for informational use only. They are based on research carried out by therapists using OCEAN WATER.
To Table of Contents
The Solution is to be taken orally on an empty stomach 20 to 30 minutes before meals or at least 1 1/2 – 2 hours after meals.
The Solution is to be taken pure (hypertonic) or isotonic (diluted in water by 2/3). For children who find the product too salty, it may be taken diluted in some milk or juice.
The Solution may be taken on a short term basis, over several weeks or months, or regularly year round, according to individual requirements. This product is not classified as a drug but is considered by traditional medicine an energy-boosting, re-balancing and regenerating nutritional supplement.
Seawater Hypertonic Solution is suitable for all except those who suffer from high blood pressure, a heart condition, kidney disease, eczema or psoriasis. In such cases, Isotonic “OCEAN WATER” should be employed for several weeks and then one can switch over to hypertonic solution.
“OCEAN WATER” Isotonic Solution is also recommended for elderly people. 10 ml per day is usually sufficient but sometimes two may be needed.
The general dosage is as follows:
From birth to one year of age – 10 ml in the feeding bottle every other day
From 1 to 4 years of age – 10 ml daily away from meals
Over 4 years of age – 10 to 40 ml daily according to the severity of the case
Adults – 30 to 60 ml daily according to the severity of the case
Elderly people – 10 to 20 ml per day, or as required – over several months
Return to Examples of Dosages
Océan Seawater NASAL SPRAY 150 ml Flask
Some people mistakenly believe that this nasal spray contains a mixture of water and salt. This, however, is not the case. Salt is highly irritating to the mucus membranes and it has no anti-inflammatory or healing properties. The spray contains Isotonic Solution.
It can be used at any age: by infants, children, teenagers, adults and elderly people. Press down the nozzle gently to release the spray.
COLDS: From the onset of any nasal congestion or the appearance of runny or stuffy nose, spray 4 to 6 times a day into each nostril.
SINUSITIS: Acute sinusitis: see Colds.
Chronic sinusitis: Spray 3 to 4 times a day into each nostril. Avoid milk, beer, sweets and junk foods.
EXCESSIVE DRYNESS OF NASAL CAVITIES: Spray once into each nostril on a regular basis, morning and evening.
ALLERGIES: Spray 3 to 6 times a day as needed.
EAR INFECTIONS: Medical treatment can be supplemented by spraying 3 to 4 times a day into each ear.
SKIN moisturizing: For tired, dry or devitalized skin, spray on face or other parts of the body. Allow to dry.
Return to Examples of Dosages
RECOMMENDED DOSES of ISOTONIC Seawater solution for the treatment of ECZEMA, HIVES or RASHES, PSORIASIS and other related skin diseases
1 – If taken orally (by an adult)
First 10 days: 10 ml a day.
Following 10 days: 20 ml a day.
After that, if the skin eruptions begin to fade, continue to take 20 ml a day. Otherwise, alternate between 20 ml a day and 30 ml a day until eruptions begin to fade. If necessary, 30 ml a day may be taken. In obstinate cases of psoriasis, it is recommended that the dose be increased to 40 ml a day. To minimize the influx of toxins it is important to carefully watch the patient’s diet for signs of inappropriate choices.
When the lesions have disappeared, gradually taper off the number of mls taken
until complete healing has occurred.
External application of ginkgo biloba cream to psoriasis blemishes will help fade them more rapidly.
2 – If injected (subcutaneously or intravenously or intramuscularly)
First 2 weeks: 20 cc (20 ml) every second day.
Following 2 weeks: 30cc (30 ml) every second day.
When the eruptions have faded: 30 ml every third day, then 20 ml every second day, then 20 ml once a week. Decrease the dose gradually until healing is complete.
Seawater Isotonic Solution is available in boxes of 300 ml and containers of one (1) liter.
Rene Quinton’s shock treatment for psoriasis (subsequently used successfully by many physicians) is as follows:
Subcutaneous administration in the retro-trocharterian area
6 weeks of treatment.
First week: 30 ml every second day 3 times a week.
Second week: 50 ml every second day 3 times a week.
Third week: 70 ml every second day 3 times a week.
The improvement is spectacular, the lesions fade away without the use of standard medical treatment.
In the light of the results obtained, the dose should be adapted to the patient’s individual response as follows:
Fourth week: 120 ml every second day 3 times a week.
Fifth week: 180 ml every second day 3 times a week.
Sixth week: 200 ml every second day 3 times a week.
Where there is mild persistence of symptoms, the initial treatment may be repeated
after a pause of 2 months. To ensure that adequate and appropriately correct nutrition is obtained, it is recommended that the patient consult a knowledgeable Health Professional (not necessarily nutritionist).
From 1952 to 1957, the French physician Jean Montfort studied over 600 clinical cases of this complaint as part of a medical team. Results of his research revealed that improvements tend to appear after the first injection as well as the third week. Dr. Jean Montfort treated his patients exclusively with OCEAN WATER without the addition of corticosteroids or antibiotics.
He emphasized the absence of iatrogenic side effects in using OCEAN WATER as well as the surprising results obtained. Many of these patients showed no signs of relapse after 20 years.
Return to Examples of Dosages
Depletion of the IMMUNE SYSTEM
In all instances of recurring infections, no matter what type, or in cases of frequent antibiotic administration, regular intake of one of the “OCEAN WATER” Seawater Solutions can rebuild a depleted immune system. In view of the established fact that OCEAN WATER regenerates the internal terrain, without diagnosis, being non-specific, one would be tempted to ask whether this substance would not be of great value in cases of AIDS and related diseases!
Historically, an uninterrupted 3 to 4 month course of treatment is recommended.
In severe cases, 6 months may be necessary.
To keep fit, a twice yearly course of treatment is recommended in September and October – then in March and April.
Infants under one year:
10 ml daily in the baby’s bottle.
From 2 to 5 years of age:
20 ml a day.
5 years and up, children, adolescents and adults:
30 ml a day for the first 3 weeks, then reduce to 20 ml a day.
Return to Examples of Dosages
Acute fatigue:
Where the fatigue is temporary and has only just recently arisen:
An intensive course of treatment of 30 to 40 ml a day for 2 to 3 weeks is recommended.
If the fatigue is more deeply rooted and has reached a more debilitating phase:
30 to 40 ml a day for 3 weeks, then reduce to 20 ml a day until recovery is complete.
Chronic Fatigue:
30 ml a day, 40 if desired, for 3 to 6 weeks, then reduce to 20 ml a day until
recovery is complete.
In all cases of chronic fatigue, it is imperative to exclude the following from one’s diet: peanut butter, alcohol, all forms of sugar (even natural sugars) excepting fresh fruit (i.e. no dates, no figs, no raisins, no prunes etc…). It would be wise to consult a Health Professional who is familiar with a natural and living diet in order to ensure adequate and nourishing nutrient quality and quantity.
Return to Examples of Dosages
“OCEAN WATER” Hypertonic Solution is a powerful reminalizer and is, therefore, particularly suitable in cases of bone and joint disorders. In such cases, however, it must be remembered that wear and tear on bones and joints have occurred slowly over long periods and, consequently, the remineralization process will also be gradual. Adults suffering from arthrosis or osteoporosis should consider taking the Solution regularly over a period of 6 months to a year. An increase in bone density is observable using densitometry after only 6 months of treatment.
Growing pains in children:
20 ml daily – 30 to 40 ml daily in periods of crisis
Arthrosis and osteoporosis:
20 to 30 ml daily according to the severity of the condition
Return to Examples of Dosages
“OCEAN WATER” Hypertonic Solution may be taken as an effective supplement to promote endurance in sports.
Regular training:
20 to 30 ml a day,
2 to 3 weeks before a sports event:
30 to 50 ml a day.
During the period of competition:
50 to 60 ml a day.
After any major physical effort:
20 to 30 ml a day.
See also the interesting field trial article by Dr. Paya that is shown in this web site.
Return to Examples of Dosages
“OCEAN WATER” Hypertonic Solution is an excellent fortifying supplement and nutrient for both mother and child during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
1) With no particular complication:
20 to 30 ml a day for the first 3 months.
10 to 20 ml a day for the 4th, 5th and 6th months.
20 ml a day for the 7th and 8th months.
30 ml a day for the 9th month.
2) Serious fatigue or anemia during Pregnancy:
30 ml a day, 40 if required, throughout the pregnancy.
For the first 10 days following birth, 30 ml a day, then 20 ml a day.
“OCEAN WATER” Hypertonic Solution must be taken continuously for 6 months prior to impregnation by both partners if possible, at a rate of 30 ml a day for the first 3 months, then 20 ml a day for the following 3 months.
Continue to take Seawater Solution throughout the pregnancy.
In all cases of repeated spontaneous abortions, take a blood sample to ensure that the Serum Fe is normal. The daily diet should be analyzed to ensure levels and quality of optimum nutrition.
Return to Examples of Dosages
20 ml a day for 2 to 3 months.
30 ml a day for the first 3 weeks, then 20 ml a day for the next 5 weeks.
Return to Examples of Dosages
30 ml a day for the first 3 weeks, then 20 ml a day until a satisfactory state of health is attained.
It is imperative to exclude alcohol, peanut butter, all forms of sugar, even natural sugars, excepting fresh fruit (no dried fruits, no dates, no raisins, no figs, no prunes etc…)
The dietary habits should be reviewed with a health professional.
Return to Examples of Dosages
First 3 weeks: 30 ml a day.
Following 8 weeks: 20 ml a day.
This treatment should be completed by taking homeopathic remedy ‘Spleen 4CH’,
6 drops – about 20 minutes before breakfast for 3 months.
Return to Examples of Dosages
First week: 10 to 30 ml a day.
Second week: 10 ml once a day
In cases of vaginal infections, hypertonic seawater (10 ml) can be used as a vaginal douche, using suitable traditional douche equipment, from 1 to 3 times daily, according to the severity of the condition. Retain the liquid for about 15 minutes lying down before getting up again.
Return to Examples of Dosages
OCEAN WATER and the Seawater therapy itself constitute a valuable adjunctive therapy in the medical treatment of these diseases. While it is certainly not organ-specific, it does normalize cell electrolytes, pH values and mineral imbalances as well as increase overall vitality. OCEAN WATER has a rapid beneficial impact on the entire body system.
Therefore, it should not be discussed as a specific cancer cure but be seriously considered for its great regenerating potential.
Any therapy for degenerative diseases should always be combined with a wholesome, LIVING, RAW and saltless diet. Any cooked and processed foods would only hinder the process of healing. A competent practitioner in natural nutrition should be consulted even before starting the OCEAN WATER Seawater therapy or any other therapy.
40 to 60 ml must be taken regularly every day over a period of many months.
In certain cases, the Plasma should be administered by injection for maximum effect.
Injections of 30 to 60cc (30 to 60 ml) may be given every second day throughout the first two months. Advanced stages of the disease may require higher doses. Subsequent treatment, when appropriate, may be tapered off from a single injection twice a week to once a week.
Return to Examples of Dosages
Professional Disciplines using this Therapy (links)
Colonic Irrigation
Dental Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
Sports Medicine (see Dr. Paya’s article)
General Medicine (to come)
HYDROTHERAPY of the COLON using Ocean Water
Modern advances in Physiology and Molecular Biochemistry make it easier to comprehend the great similarity in mineral content of the inner environment and sea water with their common origin. This similarity makes it possible for any organism to select or reject what it needs in a natural way.
The assimilation or elimination of marine ions is made possible through cellular receptors with a high degree of accuracy by the identifying polarity derived from biocenosis.
Cold-sterilized Isotonic sea water is usually eliminated through the kidneys. This eliminated sea water tends to be twice as concentrated and twice as voluminous as artificial physiological serum.
The advantages of Seawater Isotonic Solution in colonic hydrotherapy:
(9‰ – this is 1/3 of normal salt/mineral concentration of original seawater)
Physiological irrigation and cleansing of the intestinal membranes.
Anti-anaphylactic action of sea water.
Re-absorption of micro-nutrients and minerals through the portal vein.
Physiological stabilization in case of insufficient potassium.
Anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic action as required in adjustable doses.
In cases of infection: optimum absorption results.
Strengthens the immune system.
Using Marine Plasma SLIGHTLY DILUTED (21‰ – i.e.2/3 normal salt/mineral concentration of original seawater):
An immediate REVITALIZING and ENERGY-BOOSTING effect is obtained.
Seawater may be used exclusively for the entire Colonic Hydrotherapy session. Alternatively, the fluid may be used only in the final stages of the irrigation.
The almost 100 year clinical history of the OCEAN WATER ensures the high quality and safety of the product.
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“Ocean Water” and MESOTHERAPY
Mesotherapy is defined as:
“Method of treatment with sub-cutaneous injections from several small needles”.
Dr. Pistor, who created the method of mesotherapy, defined it as: A special means for the intradermal introduction of a water soluble drug into the system. This definition reinforces the theory behind the technique for the administration of OCEAN WATER. The technique advocated the use of cold-sterilized Isotonic sea water for sub-cutaneous administration.
Mesotherapy introduces small quantities of active ingredients usually transported
by an artificial physiological serum.
The superiority of OCEAN WATER over synthetic serum has been clearly demonstrated by abundant clinical bibliography. Such a bibliography indicates all the advantages that may be acquired by a practicing “Mesotherapist” in using cold-sterilized Isotonic sea water.
The clinical practice of rehydration has been in existence for almost a hundred years and the best way to carry it out is by “Hypodermoclysis”. Nowadays, this application is coming back into use after having been unjustifiably assigned to medical oblivion.
Specialized medical journals reflect this trend accurately.(l)
The aim of Mesotherapy is “to bring the remedy as close as possible to the site of the disease.” This method must, therefore, take into account the advantages of using cold-sterilized Isotonic sea water.
These advantages include the following:
use as an active ingredient
use as a vehicle for other active ingredients
The topical action of OCEAN WATER has already been demonstrated particularly in dermatology: in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, rashes and burns.
In cases of psoriasis, the clearing up of lesions is significant. It takes only a few days for a distinct improvement in pruritis to be observed. The method involves administering small 1ml doses intradermally around the lesions. Cleansing the lesions with Seawater Hypertonic Solution is recommended as the next step.
As a vehicle for the transportation of active ingredients, the Plasma replaces synthetic physiological serums.
Dr. Bernard Guez (2) perfected the technique of tumescent percutaneous hydrotomy which was used in 80 000 instances of medical treatment. The technique is the best example of the therapeutic role of water using cold-sterilized Isotonic sea water for its carrier effect. Where Seawater Isotonic Solution is concerned, this method is also directed towards:
providing a natural topical liquid similar to interstitial fluid.
providing a vehicle for other active ingredients.
In articular Mesotherapy, the principal function of Seawater Isotonic Solution is to provide a remedy for “dysirrigation”, in particular, processes of bone deterioration such as arthrosis and osteoporosis, or to improve anoxia of the tissues.(2)
The topical application of the Solution to the affected areas makes it possible to provide healing elements which will regularize the condition of the lesion.
Look up the Credits for the source of the above paragraph
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(Partial list)
Saline solutions have been widely used in Periodontal Medicine for many years. Periodontal therapeutic techniques should derive beneficial results from the application of Hypertonic or Isotonic sea water. Such application will eliminate iatrogenically-induced discomfort.
Root canal irrigation.
Filling dried out tooth sockets:
Prevention of inflamed tooth sockets, e.g. to be used for making alveolar pastes.
“Neuraltherapy” (Innovative German Technique)
To be used as an adjunct to adrenaline-free anesthesia.
(Allow the solution to remain under the tongue for as long as possible.)
Depending on which periodontal disorder is involved, the Hypertonic Solution may successfully be substituted for the Isotonic Solution.
Use as a rinsing solution for bone restructuring (or bone grinding.)
Disinfection of tooth stumps:
Either using the requisite mother tincture or the essential oil.
Enhancement of periodontal treatment by means of injecting the solution into the gums.
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LOSS OF HYDRATION: Vomiting, diarrhea.
If non life-threatening: subcutaneously.
If life-threatening: intravenously.
OCEAN WATER with Isotonic glucose serum (in equal parts at a rate of 5ml per kg of body weight per day.)
Specific treatment, hepato-renal symptomatic medication.
OCEAN WATER, 30 to 60 ml per day by injection.
Habitual medical regimen. Usual treatment.
OCEAN WATER, 10 to 40 ml per day by injection.
Usual treatment.
OCEAN WATER 5 ml per kg of body weight per day subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
OCEAN WATER, 20 to 50 ml twice daily for 2 to 5 days intravenously or subcutaneously.
OCEAN WATER, 30 to 100 ml twice daily for 5 days, then once daily for the next 5 days.
By injection or subcutaneously according to the severity of the symptoms.
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Return to the Professional Disciplines Index
Quebec Therapists using Ocean Water
Darleine Fortin, Naturopath
(418) 662-5100
Pierre Lejeune, Naturopath- Kinesiologist
(418) 845-3145
St-Georges de Beauce
Carmen Fortin, Naturopath
(418) 228-9735
Lucie Courchêsnes, Naturopath-Colon Hygienist
(514) 935-7500
Mitra di Javanmardi ND
(514) 369-8000
Diane Langlois, Naturopath-Kinesiologist
(514) 270-7516
Johanne Béliveau, Naturopathe-Colon Hygienist
(450) 435-1023
Marjolaine Durand, Naturopath
(450) 455-0353
Denise Boulanger, Naturopath
(819) 562-9973
Sonia Bourgeois, N.D.
(450) 471-2423
Look up the Credits for the source of the above paragraph
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Συντάκτης: Δημήτρης Μαγγιώρος
Η σημερινή δημοσίευση αφορά πόνους που μπορείτε μόνοι σας να αντιμετωπίσετε, απλά πιέζοντας το σημείο που πονάτε. Αν δεν έχετε πίστη στις δικές σας δυνάμεις, δυνατότητες τότε βάλτε τους γονείς σας, συγγενείς, φίλους να κάνουν αυτή την πίεση. Αν πρόκειται για ένα επώδυνο σημείο, το πιέζετε για ένα λεπτό δυνατά […]
Λέξεις-θροΐσματα από τον κόσμο τον χρυσό, τον «πέραν», με την Μαρία Παπαϊωάννου
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με την Φαία Στάινερ
18:00 - 20:00
με τον Διαμαντή Κυριακάκη
20:00 - 21:00
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