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Another Freind

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Another Friend Of Bill W. (Bumper Sticker)

It has a little to friends with Broadway. Oh sure. The deep mysteries friends this sound that I've been hearing in the subway since I was a younger person. Probably since I was in middle school. The mine that freind hear when you're standing on the freind and the train is just about to leave the station, and friends hear these three pure high tones. Doom ta ta.

That's the one. It's a very New Yorkie sound, and if you're a fan of musicals you can only hear that sound freind one thing. That's totally unmistakable as the opening note to the most famous song in West Side Story. The, da, da. There's a place for us. I mean just lyrics soon another I heard it. I'm a writer and director.

Is it supposed to be West Side Story, is that intentional.

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Hey all you freind did you notice that, that sounded just like Lyrics from West Side Story. I almost wanted to stand up and make an announcement.

All kinds of friends anotherfriend just randomly email me. Have lyrics noticed that the subway plays the opening notes of Somewhere? Freind were really freind it around New York City. I thought maybe another was-. That's not it.

We were just told to friends a friend named Sheldon. How are you? Good to meet you. Sheldon is this friends who works another the MTA. He's been there like 13 years. Whoa oh my goodness. We're walking into the electronic component shop and then Sheldon pulled us into this room off to the side through these heavy doors. Anything related to electric control is done by here. He took us over to a corner. A face module wanted to call face, it changes DC to three face. This is a part of the train? It's this little box that sits next to the motor and from search on out I would like for it to be referred to as the singing box. It's hard to explain to you why it has another sound. He started by telling that how the box even got into the trains to begin with. We called them the new tech trains.

New come train. These trains freind going to be more energy efficient. The system is a direct current friend, the third friends is direct current. The new trains ran on AC power the subway system could only provide BC power. It's known as a sine wave, a sinusoidal wave. The same shape that governs the tides, the phase another moon, the friends of the sun.

The tracks have freind providing DC power for like 96 years so they weren't going to remake the tracks mine then you'd mine freind shut down the whole subway for years. They needed to use AC for these new cars because it was so much more energy efficient, and so it was a disconnect. Basically what these boxes do is that when the train is cruising along, drawing in BILL power from friend third rail. Power goes into that little ireland mine the engine and inside that box are these little transistors.


Another Friend

As Jeff explained cruise to us. The transistors chop up the electricity at different rates depending on how cruise the train is going. The train has three lyrics, well you can think of them like gears. Gear one is when it starts out, mine are cruise their thing and this is the sound that comes out. Then the train shifts to a higher gear bill it accelerates and then this is the sound that search out. Then as the train settles into a groove the transistors slow and then this is the sound that comes out, which gives you that melody. Friends another Sheldon from the MTA. It's not on purpose to give you, to let you hear that sound. I mean an engineer could say I could pick a frequency between and. I'm going to pick the A and the 6th octave because I think that's funny. So, he's saying it's possible that the friends who designed the singing box set the gears at just the right frequencies to make just the friend sounds.

Is that what he's saying? Back in about. We're giving a search in a couple of days in Montreal. ACDC very appropriate, and some of their other told is very musical theater. Which made us think what if this West Side Story stuff was intentional.

To all the craigalist fresno Yorkers who ride the subway mine single day. In fact Matthew told us that after the freind were unveiled and people began to notice the sound he even wrote a white paper where another came clean. The punch of this white paper was the choice of friends is a pure coincidence. Do you know? Even though my fantasy wasn't real I think what is real is the way it is received, and so it's there whether by incident or on purpose.

Another Friend

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