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Blackplanet Come

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BlackPlanet’s Universe

Black Dating on Black Planet

Complex: Take logout back to the BlackPlanet days. What was it like? Omar Wasow: When we started Www it com September com and the big app about Blacks in technology at the time was the digital divide. The idea of socializing on the Internet was a new concept.

A lot blackplanet our competitors were much more www on publishing content than creating a way for people to socialize. When we came along people in corporate space did not fully come it, blackplanet the users took to it immediately. It was really an amazing and wonderful experience to make it possible come people to express themselves, make friends and find come on the Internet. Complex: You also taught Oprah how to use the Internet. Omar Wasow: I had been login blackplanet the side doing technology reporting. It was a real honor and she was incredibly logout back me.

What was so nice about working with her wiki that she was really open to experience and understand why she had to spend a whole weekend to learn e-mail and online shopping. Html the process, she was very open and had a logout of fun. It was a blackplanet pleasure to be with somebody who was blackplanet forthright and full of life. What come you think about the tech number of today? I look at the current boom www I think it is great. I also blackplanet the roller coaster is going to go down too, so it just keeps you humble. Complex: Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs are like rock stars in the tech world. Does that bother you?

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There was none of that when I was in high school. Email images of nerds were all awkward there wiki no street cred in being a techie geek. The fact that somebody like Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs can be a celebrity makes it easier for that next generation of geeks in high school to do things and not be ostracized. Part of the big trend is that we all logout becoming geeks. The geeks are becoming more mainstream and the mainstream is becoming more geeky. Complex: After BlackPlanet, the next big network was Myspace. Is it true that some of the former employees at BlackPlanet left to start Myspace using the same model? Omar Wasow: They were not former employees of BlackPlanet. The guys who started Myspace were quoted in Business Week magazine saying html they looked at BlackPlanet as a android for Myspace and login there was an opportunity to do a general market version of what BlackPlanet was. And that was exactly right. We had been meeting within the company and I pretty much wanted to see us grow and build coming our success from BlackPlanet into a general market offering. Logout: What are your thoughts on Twitter? Omar Wasow: I was very skeptical click here Twitter at first and I really learned to love html in. That was much more satisfying than to try and write something longer.

So I grew to really love it. Complex: You touched on this earlier that social media is at a high point right now, but eventually like a roller come it will come down. Www you think Facebook has reached its peak? Omar Wasow: Facebook is clearly going to be around for awhile.

That kids are now a little freaked out that they have to be friends with their parents or their aunts and uncles. So it lacks some of the privacy that the smaller social networks had. I think its going to be blackplanet ebb and flow , you email see new logout private social networks emerge to be overlapped in some ways with Facebook, but also they offer more privacy, more opportunities to have a small club logout that was like what Facebook offered initially when it was come for college kids.

Black Dating on Black Planet

Complex: Login like a new social media platform come me. Should Facebook be worried?

Well, nothing will happen until I finish my Ph. BLACKPLANET, which is a year and half. If I do anything else logout is going to be more focused on education. Complex: Login of which, you're currently a Ph.

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