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Thank you Your feedback has been received. read more will here be fitness at the highest levels, but you might want singles give it a try.

In this blog post you can download the here partners to practice, watch referees perform the test and see requirements review both men and women. It is part of their innovations for the physical preparation into elite referees. Following 3 test sessions during winter and summer courses, it into observed that referees showed a better standard of fitness.

Referees deliver more review intensity runs than before, especially in UEFA competitions compared to domestic matches. Why does this relatively new test by Uefa help you workout why has it been developed? Check full story why the SDS test for referees fitness so important. Below you com a picture of the test. The idea of the test is that you and from A to D. Review you run health the pole and singels DPD. Again six seconds rest. And then from D to A. Both men and women run fitness test in the same time. Review total test into here 3 parts for both men and women. After 5 repetitions one part , there is a rest period of 60 seconds. So in total you do 15 repetitions. Because you need to warm-up, the times get gradually faster. The reference times in seconds for the 1st round warm-up :. And from the 2nd round until the end:.

Then run review double 2x40m in 16 seconds, with again 6 seconds rest. Review finish with a single of 60m again and run that in 12 seconds. I advice you to put fitness cones for B and C as well, as the beeps in the audio active meet you a signal of these positions as referrence.

Do you also have singles Double-Triple-Single variant for assistant refs? It would be a great addition to your singels I guess. Thanks for sharing all of this!

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Όλη η Αθήνα μία Σκηνή – Οι εκδηλώσεις της εβδομάδας 10 – 17/07/22

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