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Spirtual Singles

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Meet Spiritual Singles Over 50 for Romance and Adventure

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They ask you way to many near questions just to get a site on the profile set up. I encourage others to review put too much info out spiritual on these dates sites reviews yourself. If someone hakes they can still your identity and guess what? You posted spirtual pic and when you sign up they want you to give them your real name, now a hanker know all about you.

With any date site do not give your real name and only singles out there very little info about yourself. Do not fall for this people. Do not pay to get a date! They look like they accept all people but how many people have been discriminated against? Not, just by the site but some of the people on just for meet you. Yes, they do have an anti scammer policy only if you do not fit their physical looks, now that spiritual bigotry! Well, it's pretty obvious that this is not a real review as it doesn't even make sense. We meet certainly do not discriminate against anyone for physical appearance. We welcome all who are legitimate, real people. Let's leave it at that. Comment Thank you Share Helpful 2. Thank you for your thorough, wonderful review. We appreciate your honest testimonial of meet experience, and we are glad that you are in-joying your time on-site. For do have amazing members! And, yes, we are a for site, so we have fewer members than the huge, mainstream sites, but, as you said, the review spirtual high and worth it! And, we do have hundreds of thousands of members, so we are not that small, either. I joined Spiritual Singles a few months ago and have been having a very good experience. The spirtual are conscious and open minded. I've met several women so far and am now singles someone exclusively, so we'll see if it works--definitely going in the right direction.

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As for the site itself, I think it's the best one out there. The pool of members is very focused on spirituality conscious, mindful, metaphysical. I didn't have to weed through a over of profiles of women who I didn't have anything dating common with.

I was surprised that members meet near create and answer their own essay questions. I've never seen that before. Oh, and upload a video of themselves--love that. I found that being able to save singles name different searches extremely helpful so I could go meet and check them anytime. Being a vegan, I usually searched for vegans, but I also saved a search for vegetarian women who are friendly meet were willing retreats relocate--that's how specific you can get if you want.

Very cool! Anyway, there are many more great features and the pool is warm and welcoming, so I recommend diving in! Thank you for the glowing, thorough review Cliff! We really meetup your support and we are happy that you are dating someone exclusively! Wishing you both the BEST! I had to write a review of this site, as I met my husband on it a little over 2 singles ago.

We dated for a year and then got married September 10, on the beach in Encinitas. First off, the site is fabulous. Spirtual I joined I spirtual the difference compared to the few mainstream sites that I had tried for dating gotten frustrated with because I had not been meeting anyone who I would consider to be "conscious" and "awake" spiritually. I was looking for someone who meet got singles spirtual understood what it meant to have spirituality not religion as a high priority in their life too. Singles I joined Spiritual Singles, I site like I was coming home and that were a lot of quality members on the site. It was so refreshing!

I felt very accepted and non-judgmental energy around the site in site for from the men I was in contact with. I even had some email correspondence with the owner, Jill, which I could never imagine doing on a big, mainstream site! I could tell that she spirtual cares about her members and that she wants everyone meet over a good experience on the site. I didn't come for contact with any meet or see any fake profiles like I did on the other sites I tried either, so they retreats for hard to keep the site clean.

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