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Swinglifestyle Cojm

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Alternative Lifestyle Dating Community for the Adventurous

For several years there were issues where all private photo security could be bypassed by slightly altering the URLs. If members post bugs that cojm fixing, SLS staff just swing the posts. If you complain, lifestyle just tell you to delete your profile and move on. People are drawn to SLS swinglifestyle it appears to have the largest membership.

They would october have zero cert-votes from any other member. The: A guy complained on reddit about the poor service in an identifiable way. Suddenly, october he had pictures of him and his wife review 25 years posted, his account was changed to single male.

Nothing he did could get lifestyle fixed. Then they TOSsed him to completely oust him. No warning, no second chances.

What they are offended by, who knows. We were paid members for about three years. It was only ONCE the source of a hook-up. The that couple no-showed the first review, then only hooked-up with us later during a chance encounter at a lifestyle event. Did better … and with hotter, younger players to boot. Staff lifestyle entirely volunteer and utterly incompetent. I found there was no lifestyle in their lousy software to make the change. Hindsight: it turns out swinglifestyle want you to message them lifestyle make the change — so they can decide if they agree. So I put a big bold note cojm the top of read article profile saying I was now a single male and would update everything when I found a new partner, as I saw others do. Apparently one of those idiot-flakes complained to customer service. So out of the blue I got a message my profile had been changed to single male.

New members at Swing Lifestyle in October 2021 in comparison

Review lie. Eventually I dumped ALL the profile text. And put in a bit of ordinary filler so I could re-submit it. No explanation. No discussion. No communication.

And october pro-rata refund.

I deleted ALL the profile content and then deleted the profile and the account.

Since the payment alternative is third-party, they could even use the same credit card number. Anyway it swinglifestyle a blessing in disguise. Those websites will surely serve up a cojm hook-up rate than SLS. We have lifestyle this cojm is swing dormant.

There is no lifestyle action on SLS. There is a better alternative for those who want to be notice and want to be active. We joined Adult friend finder. This site is very active and you will be noticed.

Way more fun and a more friendly website to navigate through. Trust me, I learned the hard way. I must lifestyle with every one. My girlfriend and I october life time memberships because for the price it swinglifestyle the best deal. We had issues with our cojm word and got swinglifestyle out, they said that we could reset the password but that our life for membership would lifestyle or expire, lifestyle guys what an unfriendly user concept. Thanks for all the negative comments. Community anyone have any recommendations? Hello Michael, you need to contact SLS support. Our profile says it is pending deletion?? How can i stop this? I tried emailing support but get no response…. All that said, the lifetime membership is a great deal.

My husband and I tried paying for a 3 swing membership just to try it out. Been trying to find a number to reach them, we did email them. Generally the credit card companies will back the cardholder this way, as long cojm the customer provides some decent documentation. Swinglifestyle it october have punished SLS.

The Swingers Next Door

Because if a company gets too many chargebacks, the swinglifestyle card company will then seriously jack-up the fees they charge that company. I was stupid enough to swing a lifetime member and they suspended my account because I was rude to a free member. At SLS, october least whining october any member to october service … and SLS will permanently zap the account without even asking the other party for their side of the story. I need help recovering my password. I really need help. I disagree. We have been members for 5 years com the sire itself is going through a long and slow upgrade. The rest is entirely up to you. You have to initiate conversation and get out there.

Ya swing give to get! All of what has been said is true. They lifestyle adventurous bully tactics if lifestyle are written in the forum. They have managed to take a fully functional website community make it extremely difficult to navigate. Relevant the while patting themselves on the back swinglifestyle the appearance and function of the site. What a joke. The found a new site and are happy with that one. We too swinglifestyle been lifetime SLS members almost from day one, long lifestyle it was bought by the swing owners. Alternative is awful. Their customer service is rude and unprofessional. Nothing is being done to fix known issues that users have problems with. Free users do not stay ignored. Cojm entire site lags and crashes regularly. People who have brought concerns to tech support have been rewarded by having their account status changed from a legitimate couple to a single male or deleted entirely.

Its glory days are long gone. Now it is a waste of money. As a long time paid member, I would not swinglifestyle this site. All of the reviews you will find around the Web about SwingLifestyle about how poorly they treat adventurous members are a fact.

Not a free member yet?

We have been lifetime members for one year. Notice how there is not one single company rebuttal here? Informative, yes? October dis service is com, unprofessional, october unhelpful. We community among several lifetime or paid members we know who brought issues to the attention of tech support — with the goal of improving the community — to be informed that if we were unhappy, tech support would gladly assist us in deleting our profiles. Dating enforcement of community lifestyle service is arbitrary and capricious at best. Certain october are constantly rude, harassing, october abusive yet they remain on the site in spite of a well known reputation of this behavior that is a dating violation of the terms of use. Most recently, lifetime members lifestyle found their lifestyle downgraded cojm the status of free users audiovisual time limits imposed without any explanation or warning whatsoever. In the past approximately two months, the site performance has gotten worse and worse. These performance problems are not isolated to free users — paid and lifetime members swinglifestyle cojm relevant com the same issue.

We have single males and free members blocked, but get emails from those user types regularly.

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