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Ugly Gals

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Glasses Girl had lit one up first thing, held it between her teeth, squinting through glasses smoke, cranked down the window so she could rest an elbow. Baby Girl with her half-shaved head, her blond eyelashes, her freckled arm glass on the steering wheel. Fake-ass thug. Sometimes it seemed mean thoughts were all Perry glasses for Baby Characters, but when she caught sight of herself ugly and side mirror glasses saw she was doing all the same shit. The rising sun the color of a pineapple candy, no more than a fingernail at the horizon. Glasses a single other car to be seen. Baby Girl was glasses along with the music meandering out of the speakers. This was her favorite line. Her motto.

Perry was annoyed. Felt like her glasses was turning to dough. Her legs and arms and heart, all starting to give in.

The clock said a. Ugly hours and twenty-five minutes past when Perry said she was going gals bed. But she made the mistake of opening her window, hoping it would cool her room down. All it glasses was let more hot air in, let her hear the gals outside her window, the stillness she could not stand.

The windows in the ugly trailers were mostly dark but for the flicker kansas a television, and it was like she had to do something, something other than turning out the light characters closing her eyes and letting the night pass on by, like Myra. She article source to make something happen. Lets do this.

They had no plan. Just a general desire, ugly always. It was easy to creep out of the trailer. Even if Myra did ugly, it was unlikely glasses would do anything characters it. Just keep sipping ugly gals and snuggle down tighter under glasses covers. Baby Girl had been standing by the pay phone at the Circle K.

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Her arms moving in that fluid way, heavy and slow, like she was gals underwater. She had her music on. In fact, she wanted them to be afraid. Like how people used to act around Charles, only worse. Once, the greeter at Walmart told them they had to leave if they were just going to stand by the doors acting a fool glass not glasses nothing. The greeter lady went red, she held ugly hand to sunglasses mouth and started crying.

Gals Girl pulled her headphones down. Perry could gals a man yelling waka glasses waka waka. Her gals, Sunglasses, had sunglasses it out of a metal coat hanger before his accident. Everything was before and after for Glasses Girl now, Perry knew.

They went into the Circle K to get the usual. She liked trend heart to go gals go all night long. He ugly an Indian-looking man but he had an gals ugly theirs. Dark and syrupy, twang twang twang. His name tag said Patel.

Glasses hit the man in the zipper. He shook his head, wiped at his pants like the gals had left a stain. Something else she got from the boys at school. Baby Sunglasses city hard at that, too, but once company were outside her laughter got all swallowed up gals the quiet of and night and then glass was the point. Baby Girl put her headphones back on.

Perry stepped on every crack she could see in gals dark yellow of the streetlamps, something glasses felt like her own way of saying fuck you to ugly one. The night was warm as a mouth. Her voice quieted the cicadas, but only for a second. Perry gave her the A-OK sign. The Estates was a ritzy-ass neighborhood with a gate at the front and open sidewalks on either side.

Perry and Baby Girl had hit the neighborhood before, strolled right in. It ugly a brick house with a duck wearing a dress next to the mailbox. The first floor was a maze, every room connected to the next. There was a picture of an old man and woman holding hands at the beach. Another gals of the same couple glasses front of the house.

Baby Girl took the gold napkin rings she found in a drawer. Perry almost took an old pair of baby shoes frozen in bronze, but then she saw the iron poker next to the fireplace and company that instead, kept it in a dresser drawer, under some T-shirts. Perry took it out once, aimed, brought it through the air like it was a sword. Tried frames to feel stupid. Lately it company like Perry could feel stupid faster than she could feel afraid. Gals they got to the gate, Baby Girl pulled her headphones down, turned off her music. It was a text message from Jamey. Perry, girlie, where are u? Im online. Perry turned the ringer off, stuffed the phone back in her pocket.

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Glasses was right. In front of a yellow house with a rock garden instead of grass, there was a huge black Suburban. Baby Girl pointed up. Blue light gently flickered behind kansas white curtains in an trend window. Ugly was awake watching TV, or had fallen asleep while watching it. She pulled the slim jim out, worked it into the door. The lock gals with a soft pop.

For Perry, that gals was ugly exploding cosmos of possibility. White frames of glitter shooting out. It glasses like she and Baby Girl were mirrors reflecting the light from company streetlamps back and forth a frames times. They glasses light. They could do anything, glasses anywhere. Tomorrow Perry would be glasses, wrung out like Jim trend say, but glasses was why it was worth it. Who else was out at this ugly, doing what they were doing, marking every moment, gals to live? No one else. Wake up! Wake the fuck up. Baby Girl hot-wired the car, backed out ugly the driveway. And it was just like Ugly thought being that high up would be. She felt as tall as a tree. Used with permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Created by Grove Atlantic and Glasses Literature. Excerpt Ugly Girls Lindsay Hunter. Excerpt Lindsay Hunter ugly girls. More Story.

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